Bryan Construction Gives New Life to Old Dining Hall
This past weekend, volunteers from Bryan Construction gathered at Mount Blue Sky to renovate the old dining hall. Volunteers removed tile flooring, patched and sanded walls, and brightened up the space with new paint. Thanks to their work, this repurposed space can again serve students, but this time in a different way. Once the final step of installing new carpet is complete, the space will be used as multipurpose activity hall. The Outdoor Lab Foundation is extremely grateful for our partnership with Bryan Construction and for their generous employees who volunteered their time. Hear from their Executive Manager, Brandon, on why Bryan Construction chose to coordinate a corporate volunteer workday at Outdoor Lab...
"Bryan Construction has had a long-lasting relationship with Jeffco School District, and we value the partnership over the years. Volunteering on this project was a way to show our appreciation to the district, support for the Outdoor Lab initiatives, and a way to give back to the community that will be utilizing the facilities for years to come. We understand the constraints that the educational system is up against and want to be able to give back when able to show our continued support."
Follow us on social media to see the final pictures once the carpet is installed therefore making the renovation complete! If you would like to organize a volunteer workday at Outdoor Lab for your company or organization, email Outdoor Lab Foundation Community Relations Manager, Misha, at misha.shearer@outdoorlabfoundation.org to find a project that fits your group.