Meet the Interns
Mt. Blue Sky
Caleb Angulo
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is around stage 5 of Leave No Trace where the students have the chance to clearly see Mt. Blue Sky, other known mountains and possibly some wildlife. The reason I enjoy it so much is because when the students sit quietly and take in everything around them it is magical for not only them but for the instructors as well.What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
Looking out the door of Mount Warren bunks with the boys staying there and having the chance for them to see two mule deer walking around. This made me very proud just because of how quick the students were to be quiet. They showed great awareness as well as stewardship of the community by directing their fellow students so that everyone could have the chance to see the deer.How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
This internship helps me understand the importance of a schedule as well as how to constantly adapt to having new faces and new personalities on campus every week.
Khiel Espino
What is your favorite place on campus OR what is your favorite meal in the dining hall?
My favorite place on the campus is the amazing view of lush mountain scapes on point 5 of Ecosystems. Im always just captivated by the view whenever I am teaching.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
One of my favorite experiences so far was noticing one of my core groups being really invested in our Ecosystems lesson. It showed me that I was doing a good job on keeping them engaged with the material and it made me quite proud to know I had an impact on this group.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
This Internship is helping me work towards my goal of working at a national park, such as a park naturalist or Ranger educator.
Gabby Shibata
What is your favorite place on campus?
I love the Dodge Lodge!
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
Probably breaking into the dome scope through the roof when the key broke off in one of the locks. It felt great to be able to provide the kids with a great astro night.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
This internship is helping me work towards a career in healthcare by providing me with opportunities to learn how to communicate with others effectively as well
Katharine Gentry
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the initiatives area. I love watching the kids build their team at the beginning of the week. And the views are stunning.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
So far my proudest moment is being able to connect so easily with the other interns so that we can make a great team for the 6th graders.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I believe this internship will help guide me in choosing my future career. Right now I am not totally sure which path to take but I would like to be a teacher or do something in the Criminal Justice Field. I’m confident that this internship will help me feel more comfortable to make a choice about my future career.
Devon Leahy
What is your favorite meal in the dining hall?
My favorite meal in the dining hall is Chef Donna’s noodle dishes, they always come out amazing.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
Being able to watch how much the 6th graders grow from day one to day four and knowing I played a part in that growth.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
It will help with my confidence and leadership abilities which will help me with careers in the future, as well as just being able to comfortably speak in front of large groups.
Rachel Powell
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the giant ponderosa pine on the eco hike named METHUSELAH because she has so much history and has been to strong and she smells really nice.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
My proudest moment of my time so far at outdoor lab is when my 6th grade science teacher came up and i got to remember what my experience as a 6th grader was like and i was teaching in front of her and she came up to me and she told me she was so proud and then on friday i saw some of the 6th graders in my core group raise their hand when they were asked to come back as highschool leaders and it reminded why i fell in love with outdoor lab and of the magic of outdoor lab.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I think that this internship teaches you more about yourself because it helps you go over struggles and success and I think the skills of problem solving and the feeling of accomplishment when you love your job are really the important things that you should look for in your future. So I think that this internship really allows you to truly meet yourself in any situation.
Sami Padgen
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is on the balcony of the dining hall. Standing there creates a feeling of peace and wonder for me. When I stand there I am able to look out into the meadow, parts of the site, wildlife at a distance, and the mountains including Mount Blue Sky itself.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
My proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far is being able to create a home away from home space for the kids. When they first come up, their first words are always about going home, but at the end of the week I hear the complete opposite. By the end of the week, they never want to leave. Most of them have not even been in an environment like this before, and so being able to be there for them along the way, helping them find the magical part of Outdoor Lab, leaving them not wanting to say goodbye is my proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I can see this internship helping me grow towards my future career goals by teaching me how to work with others, including the kids. This internship is more than just working in the mountains with kids- It’s about learning who you are as a person whether that comes to strengths or weaknesses and how to navigate those through working with others. This includes communication, listening, conflict resolution, problem solving, trust , etc. These all are very important to learn and navigate through in the work environment, and learning these skills now will help me be successful in my future career goals.
Ash Swackhammer
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus has to be Dinning Hall, not just because of the amazing food. It’s my favorite place because while you are making some of the most meaningful connects with students, you also get to look out over the meadow with the gorgeous mountains in the background.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
Second week, I had a student who I don’t really interact with. I'd always talked to him but he never came up and talked to me. As we progressed through the week we made, what I thought was, small progress. I thought that until astronomy night. I was on the astro pad engaging with kids, talking about the night sky, when this student walked up to me. He doesn’t say a word as he hands me this thank you note. I grab it only to look up and see his arms outstretched for a hug. That was the moment I realized I make such a big impact on these kids, whether we talk a whole bunch or not at all.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
When I’m finished with the internship I want to go into the film industry. When you're in the film industry some of the biggest things needed are communicating with others, working well on a team, and making sure that every voice is heard. I have already grown so much in just these categories and I plan to continue to grow!
Skyler Wesley
What is your favorite place on campus?
I would say my favorite place on campus is the Dodge Lodge because there is SO much history behind it and just being in the living room with all the other interns and staff just feels like being at home.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab so far?
I would say my proudest moment is how many girls I impacted and influenced during the week of Rose Stein and Patterson.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
This leadership is helping me learn how to become a better leader as well as learn how to overcome difficult obstacles.
Desmond Thin Elk
Windy Peak
Grayson Cassidy
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is Nelson Pond.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?:
My proudest moment was the last day of one of my weeks at Windy Peak. I had so many of my kids telling me they didn’t want to leave, and I had never felt like I’d had such an impact on so many people.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
The internship has taught me great leadership, social skills, and how to be a great teammate. Overall, I feel like I am better equipped to face any challenges that may come my way in the future, and I feel more confident as a leader.
Nate Fishel
What is your favorite place on campus?
I love point 6 on the leave no trace class as it provides the best view possible up here at Windy Peak and I love the calming feeling it gives. Seeing the view of Wellington Lake and The Castle is an amazing view that I hope everyone enjoys.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment at outdoor lab is connecting with multiple 6th graders at a time and helping them grow as young adults and put them on a right path going forward.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
My future goal in life is to be a teacher and this has helped me so much. Learning leadership skills and getting advice from my mentors (Tino and Spivey) has helped me grow and put me on the right path going forward in life.
Alexis Paliga
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
One of my proudest moments at Outdoor Lab so far was working with a girl who was very shy and made it clear she didn’t want to be there. One day, she broke down, and we had a deep conversation about what she was going through. It was one of the first times I saw so much growth in a kid, and it was incredibly impactful to see how much they can change in just a few days and how much trust they place in us.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
Interning at Outdoor Lab is helping me progress towards my future goals by helping me grow as a leader, enhancing my ability to communicate effectively with diverse age groups, and also allowing me to gain more knowledge of environmental science and wildlife biology which are potential career paths I'm considering.
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the first meadow on the ecosystems trail.
Amelia Pennell
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the third pier of Nelson Pond!
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment at Outdoor Lab has been witnessing the internal growth in my kiddos from day one to when they leave. My favorite moment is when you see a kid realize that they’re capable of much more than they thought they were and they get to recognize and celebrate that growth, then continue to push the limits of what they thought they could do.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I want to become a teacher and through this internship, I’m gaining hands-on experience with an incredible team and with some amazing kiddos! I’ve been able to make significant strides to be a better teacher, teammate, and friend. I’m so grateful for this opportunity; it’s truly life-altering!
Molly Rau
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus has recently become the meadow at night. I believe it is the optimal viewing location for stars because there aren’t any buildings in the way and minimal light pollution, where I can be at peace with the stars.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment at Outdoor lab would be at the end of each week seeing the emotional growth from each 6th grader I interacted with in a week. Seeing them grow in maturity and compassion over four short days is especially beautiful, and I am beyond proud to have guided them to that growth.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
This internship has given me so much clarity in who I am as a person and who I want to be to help contribute to this world. It has given me the opportunity to experience things that truly make a difference in this world, like opening my eyes to the importance of protecting our environment, as well as gaining the skills to speak up for those who may not be able to do so for themselves.
Evan Reeves
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is point 7 of leave no trace.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moments are at the end of the week when I have kids crying in my arms saying that they don’t want to leave and that they feel like they have a home at Windy Peak.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I intend on pursuing a career in the outdoors so this internship can give me first hand experience with the true outdoors.
Erin Storey
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the pond by the blacktop because it’s so peaceful. It’s the epicenter for a lot of wildlife.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment is every week when we reach the top of Leave No Trace and we pat ourselves on the back and read Drake Durkee’s quote: “We either do it together or not at all.”
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I’m considering a career in law or teaching. For law, the internship has helped me understand individuals’ perspectives so when I become a lawyer, I’ll understand them better.
Terenn Tracy
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the meadow during Astro night. That view of the stars and the mountains is unbeatable.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment at Outdoor Lab has been adapting the ecosystems class’s hike section to better suit the needs of a student in a wheelchair. I was able to take him on his own version of the class and got to teach him one-on-one. He got to experience all the fun of the class and I loved being able to make him feel included and happy.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
My future career goals are largely centered around working with kids, so the skills I am gaining by working as an intern are going to be so helpful for my line of work.
Lucas Weiler
What is your favorite meal in the dining hall ?
My favorite meal in the dining hall is the chicken wings; they are delicious!
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
My proudest moment at Outdoor Lab was helping this kid out that had been struggling throughout the week, he didn't get to go on core but he wanted to go on the hike so later that day I had the chance to take him on the LNT hike and that made his week. I was so proud that he made it through the week and was able to appreciate life.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I see the internship helping me grow towards my future career by growing my people skills and leadership capabilities.
Aubrie Wenzel
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the Ecosystems trail.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
One super outgoing sixth grader was very personable until astronomy night when she seemingly shut down. I realized she was very homesick. I sat with her, gave her a bunch of hugs, and seeing her brighten made my day!
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I will be gaining leadership skills that I can use to be a leader in the field of Criminal Justice.
Katelyn Maloney
What is your favorite meal in the dining hall?
My favorite meal is absolutely the pesto basil pasta. I am in love with the pasta and the garlic bread that the kitchen staff make.
What is your proudest moment at Outdoor Lab?
Although I have so many beautiful experiences with kids, I was given the opportunity to create media for Windy Peak this semester and I have been working on many different projects that show the true beauty of the place. My proudest moments have been when filming and capturing moments that show Windy Peak as a place of growth, family, and a home for so many.
How do you see this internship helping you grow towards your future career goals?
I see myself using skills I learned at Outdoor Lab all the time. My communication skills have greatly improved, and now I feel confident in communicating to any person, including someone who speaks a different language. I have also gained so much more awareness in the time I’ve been an intern. Being able to create many different media projects has helped me build skills that I will use in the future, as that is something I would like to pursue.
Become an Outdoor Lab Intern

Interns are vital to the success of the Outdoor Lab Program. Whether you are based at Windy Peak or Mount Blue Sky, you will spend one full semester on campus leading classes in the field, supervising High School Leaders, and working alongside teachers and site staff to prepare the campuses for inspirational and impactful outdoor experiences.
You will gain practical experience in teamwork, leadership, and communication. It’s a powerful opportunity to learn and develop work skills in the fields of outdoor leadership, environmental education, and youth development. Want to work seasonally as a guide or a camp counselor? An internship with Outdoor Lab is a great springboard to those jobs!
As an Intern, you work as part of a team to help students learn about mountain ecology, Leave No Trace, site history, archery, and astronomy. You will instill critical life skills in thousands of sixth-graders who visit from all points in Jeffco.
The Outdoor Lab Site Staff at Windy Peak and Mount Blue Sky are looking for Interns year-round (for the upcoming semesters). Please keep in mind that decisions are made by the end of the previous semester for which you are applying. Reach out to our program Directors if you would like the next steps to apply.
Program Directors
- Mt. Blue Sky - Jason Harding |
- Windy Peak - Garden Marantino |
Benefits Include:
- $1,500 stipend
- 6 college credits through Red Rocks Community College’s Outdoor Education Program
- 3 credits for internship practicum
- 2 credits for Wilderness First Aid certification
- 1 credit for Leave No Trace Level 2 Certification
- 2.5 Elective Credits (For current high school students only)
- Room and board while on campus during the work week
- Inspirational mountain landscape to commune with nature
- Great friendships and professional connections