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Legacy Society

The Outdoor Lab Foundation Legacy Society

Outdoor Lab would not exist without its volunteers, donors, and community supporters. Moreover, It is fueled by a faculty of dedicated educators, interns, and site staff who are inspired daily by the locations' natural surroundings and seeing students interact with the emotive setting. To honor and recognize these people, we created the Outdoor Lab Legacy Society. 

The Outdoor Lab Legacy Society is an extraordinary group of philanthropists, volunteers, former educators, and other committed individuals who have ensured Outdoor Lab remains rite of passage for future generations of Jeffco students and is an excellent venue for environmental education and experiential learning.  

Legacy Society members include all those who support the program through ongoing/recurring donations, planned gifts (bequests, charitable remainder trusts, and other life-income gifts), and through their extensive volunteerism with the program.  These members have been selected for being our most vigorous supporters in at least two of the categories of time, talent, and treasure.

These alumni, friends and parents share a deep, special connection with Outdoor Lab and a vision for building it's future.  Through their gifts of time and treasure, they are creating a legacy that ensures Outdoor Lab remains one of the country’s finest institutions of outdoor experiential learning.

At the Foundation, we say our students walk the same trails, but they each leave a different footprint. To be sure, Legacy Society members have walked these trails with our students, and their footprint will have a lasting impact. 

Join the Legacy Society!


The Legacy Society is a special group of Outdoor Lab's most committed supporters. You can join the Society by donating $1,000 or more per year or by making a recurring monthly donation of $75 or more.

Additionally, you can join by making an equivalent gift of stock, committing to including the Foundation in your estate plan, or through longstanding volunteerism for Outdoor Lab and the Foundation.

The Outdoor Lab Foundation recognizes the commitment of Legacy Society members in the following ways:

  • An annual breakfast with the Board and Executive Director
  • An annual Accomplishments Report from the Executive Director
  • Your name listed in the Legacy Society page of the Foundation's Annual Report
  • Your name listed in the Legacy Society page of the Foundation's website
  • Participation in our VIP Reception at After Dark
  • A New Year's letter from the Executive Director

For more information about the Legacy Society, please contact Ian Nawalinski (Development Manager) at

Click Below to View All Legacy Society Members!